When you thumb down in your swing you lose control over the clubface. Most players come over the top, forcing them to have to stand up and thumb down. Higher level players tend to get stuck inside, forcing them to have to stand up and thumb down. The Impact Strap keeps you from thumbing down. Set the angle between your arm and club with the Impact Strap, then focus on improving your pivot and rotation to collect the ball. The goal is to not fight the Impact Strap but use it to keep you from reverting to old habits. If you don't pivot and rotate correctly while maintaining your side bend, you'll miss the ball. The 5-Day Protocol is designed to help you develop a beautiful swing relying on your pivot and rotation to collect the ball and maintaining the angle between your lead arm and the club giving you complete control over the clubface.
Click here for more information on setting up and using your Tour Striker Impact Strap.